Saint Or Mother

A Saint is the opposing role to a Sinner.

In the eyes of the church, a Sinner is someone adjudged to do wrong.

A Saint is someone who does good deeds for others.

The Christian religion defines good deeds as virtues & bad deeds as sins.

Saints are virtuous & good, Sinners are sinful & bad.

Spirituality sees sins as male energy & virtues as female energy.

There is no judgment in spiritual reality only in religiosity.

The female virtues of humbleness, humility, kindness, caring, pleasing, poverty & duty are all the virtues of a True Mother.

Sins are the male energy of an assertive leader or Father.

Virtues are the female energy of a nurturing Mother or follower.

As female virtues are seen to be good, they are also the qualities attributed to a Saint.

The Christian distinction between a Mother & a canonised Saint is that a Saint is required to have performed two proven miracles to be awarded that qualification.

A Mother just has to give birth to children.

The exception to the rule is Mother Theresa who is a Saint & a Mother without ever giving birth to her own children.