Leaders & Followers

Leaders are by nature selfish and are motivated to do what is best for themself.

Followers are by nature unselfish and are motivated to do what is best for others.

What determine whether I am a leader or a follower are my emotional needs.

Leaders need to lead because leading meets their emotional needs.

Followers need to follow because following meets their emotional needs.

When a leader understands and meets the needs of their followers, their followers are truly motivated to follow them.

When a follower meets the needs of their leader, their leader is truly motivated to lead.

However, neither leaders nor followers are empowered.

My empowerment comes from following my own path and it is not my path to either lead or follow anyone.

Empowered people lead their own lives and follow their own path. They are Truly Selfish in that they follow the lead given by their True Self and they know that what is best for themself is also what is best for all others.