Being A Sensitive

Being a Sensitive is playing the role of a person who is particularly sensitive to the emotional energy of other people.

As many people in our society today are insensitive and emotionally disconnected, a Sensitive can often be very helpful.

Consulting a Sensitive person when having problems relating to being either too sensitive or being insensitive can be most beneficial.

A Sensitive is able to resolve issues and problems affecting people who have become either too sensitive or insensitive to life.

Being a Sensitive is often viewed by a disconnected, unemotional or insensitive person as being paranormal or occult.

A rational scientific view that only sees the physical aspects of life as normal, logical and relevant perceives the paranormal & occult with negativity & scepticism.

A spiritually religious view that only sees the dogma and doctrine of their own religious interpretation as true & good perceives the paranormal & occult as false & evil.

Being a Sensitive is neither scientific nor religious, but it is by its very nature Spiritual even though it is currently beyond the remit of both science or religion.