The Neutral Observer

The Neutral Observer is sensitively detached from the dramas of a relative dual reality world.

The Neutral Observer is neither:

  • The Pacifist nor the Warmonger
  • The Terrorist nor the Freedom Fighter
  • The Victim nor the Villain
  • The Master nor the Slave
  • The Intimidator nor the Poor Me
  • The Interrogator nor the Aloof
  • The Beauty nor the Beast
  • A Good Samaritan nor a Bad Samaritan
  • St. George nor the Dragon

The Neutral Observer always:

  • Responds in a balanced & harmonious way
  • Allows all others to follow their own path
  • Knows that all others have their own unique path to follow
  • Follows their own path without resistance to others
  • Knows their own path is beneficial & flows effortlessly through them
  • Creates their own reality that is never detrimental to another
  • Accepts whatever turns up as an opportunity for personal growth
  • Is in this world but not of this world
  • Treats the playground as a place where all games are acceptable

The Neutral Observer is neither a Competitor nor a Spectator.