Parent & Guardian

The Role of the Parent & Guardian is to foster the growth of an infant through childhood and adolescence to adulthood.

The Purpose of a parent & Guardian is to provide guidance and support during that process, called ‘growing up’.

Growing up means learning to live in the physical world  independently of other people by being able to make personal choices.

Guardians and parents set boundaries that are the standards of behaviour deemed suitable for the child, and meet their physical and emotional needs, in order for them to be safe, secure, comfortable and motivated in their life.

A Parent is distinct from being just a Guardian when they are emotionally attached to their child.

When the parent needs the child as much as the child needs the parent, a very strong emotional attachment is formed.

A True Guardian, as distinct from a foster parent, is sensitively detached in their role of guardianship.

When sensitive to my children’s needs in a detached way, I allow them to follow their own path and grow and mature to independence naturely under their own power, authority and ability.

“Blood is only thicker than water when it stops flowing”.