The Quality of a Relationship

The Quality of a Relationship is determined by the compatibility and the co-operation of the individuals within the relationship, rather than the qualities, attributes and attainments of the individuals themselves.

The compatibility and co-operation of the people within a relationship is determined by the Law of Attraction according to how alike people are or how attractive they are to each other.

People who are alike, like each other and relate well. They are compatible and they co-operate with each other.

Relationships become strained because as well as ‘like attracts like’, opposites also attract.

Gender opposites attract and relate well, whereas polar opposites repel each other and find each other repulsive.

Miserable people can get on well with miserable people, whereas happy people can’t.

An arrogant person may be seen by their humble partner as confident.

A meek person may be seen by an arrogant partner as weak.

The quality of the relationship is not determined by the quality of the emotional state of being of the individuals within the relationship.