Who I Am Being

Who I Am Being in relationship to Life is an expression of Who I Am.

In relationship to other people, I choose to:

  • Express: Benevolent Co-operation
  • Attribute: Compassionate Empathy
  • Attain: Sensitive Detachment
  • Be: Allowing

In relationship to my Self, I choose to:

  • Express: Concordant Equanimity
  • Attribute: Intuitive Logic
  • Attain: Emotional Intelligence
  • Be: Approving

In Relationship to my Soul, I choose to:

  • Express: Appreciative Gratitude
  • Attribute: Powerful Authority
  • Attain: Exclusive Connection
  • Be: Accepting

Who I Am is an expression of my Being that I have attained and can attribute to my Self when in relationship with either my Self, with my Soul, or with other people.