Being Really Actually True

Being True, Being Actual & Being Real are not the same from a spiritual perspective.

Being Real is the reality of a Created Self, being the creation of an Actual Creator. It is being an honest servant with its own individual, relatively intellectual, perspective of life. As my Real Self, I realise the gender of my own unique personality & character is relative to the wavelength of my emotion and the frequency of my thought, which causes the vibration of my experience.

Being Actual is the actuality of the actual creative act of a Creator. It is being a genuine Genie with the actual conscious-awareness to experience actualising absolute creative potential. As my Actual Self, I actualise my potential to create actual experiences, with the purity of my divine nature. I am an actual pure vibration of my Divinely Creative Essence.

Being True is the alignment of my created Real Self with my actual Creator Self or Soul. It is being the authentic author of the unique life path that the Soul has chosen for its Individual Self. It is being the actual realiser of the positive polarity of a balanced gender on an exclusive path. It is the alignment of a rational intellectual perspective with an emotional intuitive perception of Spiritual Truth. Whereas the intellectual reasoning of an unawakened ego self may be either relatively true or untrue, the intuitive senses of perception perceived by the Soul-Self or True Self, is absolutely always certainly True. I can only certainly know my true path intuitively, when I align my sub-conscious ‘id’ with my super-conscious ‘entity’ and intuitively see my true id-entity.

  • My Real Self is a Creation of my Creator Self
  • My Actual Self is the Creator of my Created Self
  • My True Self aligns my Creation with my Creator

In Reality, I often create my Self in a way that is not actually absolutely true but relatively virtually untrue, which can be fearful, painful and problematic.

Fear is Real, but not actually true. It is the experience of a false perspective of mental direction and the effect of being lost in physical reality.

Pain is Real, but not actually true. It is the negative emotional effect of being off track and experiencing resistance to the effortless flow of life.

Problems are Real, but not actually true. They are the physical effect of a negative perspective of whatever is occurring. On my True Path, everything is an opportunity, not a problem, for the expansive growth of the Soul-Self.

When I am lost, confused & frustrated by the fear, pain & problems of relative dual reality existence, it is impossible to align with my path, with clarity, direction & presence. When I am emotionally clear with a balanced gender, I can follow a positive mental polarity in alignment with my Truth, which is pain free, fear free, problem free and full of opportunities for Spiritual Growth.

Reality is real, relative to my personal perspective, perception and experience of my own life.

Actuality is the Reality of my True Purpose.

Truth is the Actual Reality of what my Soul has actually chosen for its Self to really experience in life.

I am the Subject of my own subjective Truth about Actual Reality.

My objective is the experience of realising & actualising my Actual Truth as a Reality.