I Am A Three Part Being

I am a Three Part Being when I recognise all three aspects of my Beingness.

My ability to Be requires both power & authority.

I am physically enabled by my emotional power & my mental authority.

My physical life is both mental & emotional.

It requires the body, the mind & the emotion of my Spirit.

Reality is a physical, mental & emotional experience that is time & place specific.

Space-Time-Reality allows the triality of my Beingness.

Time is an aspect of my Light.

Space is an aspect of my Love.

Reality is an aspect of my Life.

The potential of my life is relative to the force of my light & the magnitude of my love.

My light is the force of my mental authority.

My love is the magnitude of my emotional power.

My life is the potential of my physical ability.

I live a life of love & light in a three dimensional space-time-reality.

I experience life consciously, sub-consciously & super-consciously in a physical, mental & emotional way through the power of my love, the authority of my light & the ability of my life.