Actually Being Real, True & Authentic

My Real Self sees life as Real. Reality is an objective experience of the physical world, in the present moment. My Real Self is my physical sense of conscious self: The Ego.

The Ego has a choice of being real or being unreal. It can experience its own reality or the objective reality of everyone else. Every reality of every Real Self can be real, unreal or surreal. The ego focuses on what it can do in actual reality.

My True Self knows life to be True. Truth is a subjective mental thought of my Mind, which determines polarity & direction to be either true or false. My True Self subjectively follows the instinctive path of my sub-conscious Id.

The Id has a choice of being true or untrue. It’s thinking can be limiting or expansive, right or wrong, good or bad, positive or negative, true or false, fact or fiction, responsive or reactive. The Id focuses on what I have and what I need to have in actual reality.

My Authentic Self feels life to be Authentic. Authenticity is the adjective feeling of my heart, in an ethereal world of emotional clarity. My Authentic Self is my intuitively empowered super-conscious Entity.

The Entity gives its Self the choice of being the author of its own destiny or the follower of its own fate. It can be limited emotionally by fear and physically by pain, or it can be inspired & empowered with its own adjective essence. It becomes authentic when the Id & the Ego are in genuine alignment, in actual reality, as a true expression of who I really am.