A Really True Fact

It is a Really True Fact that rational, scientific, intellectual thinking is limited to a physical perspective, of a physical experience, of the physical world, with only the physical senses. This is true, it is a fact and it defines the physicality of physical reality.

It is a really true fact that scientists, chemists, physicians & biologists all believe that we are all physical Beings physically experiencing a physical life in a physical world. Neurologists believe that we think with a physical brain and feel with the nervous system of a physical body.

It is a really true fact that professional science professes to have no real, true or factual distinction between what is real, what is true and what is factual. The fact is that only their personal perspective professes the truth of what is real. It also professes their contrasting view of what they believe to be surreal, untrue and a fiction. They have declared the religious teachings of the Bible, the Torah and the Koran to be a surreal fiction, with no empirical evidence of really true facts.

It is a really true fact that neither modern science, modern religion, nor modern philosophy understand the factual truth of spiritual reality. A really true fact is that spirituality is not scientific, religious or philosophical. The fact is, it is the true reality of non-physical energy.

It is a really true fact that science has no definition for a field of non-physical energy because it was unable to scientifically prove the physical existence of the aether. It is currently in the process of exploring God Particles, the Quantum Void, Dark Energy & Dark Matter, the Spacial Plenum, the Universal Creative Potential and the Point of Dielectric Inertia; to prove the physical nature of spiritual energy.

It is a really true fact that Spirituality is the reality of non-physical energy. The fact is that both thought and emotion are non-physical vibrations of energy. The fact is that true thought and true emotion are a real physical experience.

It is a really true fact that spirituality is the real effect of turning the spiritual energy of pure thought and emotion, into physical experience. Science only studies the physical evidence of the physical energy of motion turning physical matter into the physical energy of heat or the destruction of physical matter into heat to cause physical motion. The physical force of heat and motion produced with the destruction of physical matter called fuel, is in no way spiritually creative or expansive.

It is a really true spiritual fact that all physical matter forms from non-physical spiritual energy. Spirituality is the real effect of turning spiritual energy into physical form. Physicality forms from the spiritual energy of the aether. Matter is a form of energy. It is energy that has formed into matter.

It is a really true matter that spiritual energy is a fact, which is really surreal to physical science and a real fact of metaphysical truth. Whereas a purely physical perspective of life has no distinction between reality, truth and fact; a pure spiritual perception of life intuitively knows that:

  • Beliefs are true or untrue
  • Experiences are real or surreal
  • Stories are fact or fiction

Scientific stories are in theory either a fact or science fiction. Religious beliefs are considered to be morally true or untrue. Physical experience is believed to be real or surreal. A surreal experience is above and beyond what is experienced with our physical senses.

It is a really true spiritual fact that intuition is an energetic sense that spiritual reality is factually true. When we believe the stories of other people’s real faith in their truth, we lose the surreal imagination of our own spiritually creative metaphysical potential.

It is a really true fact that from a spiritual, non-religious, perspective; we are all Energetic Beings, living an energetic life, in a world of spiritual energy.

  • My Physical Story is a fact or a fiction, relative to all others
  • My Mental Beliefs are true or untrue, relative to all others
  • My Emotional Experiences are real or surreal, relative to all others

It is a really true fact that spiritual energy is a triune reality of:

  • Mental Thoughts
  • Emotional Feelings
  • Physical Experiences

When I experience the fact of my true reality with my three super-conscious intuitive senses, my four sub-conscious instinctive senses and my five conscious physical senses; I make complete sense of the fact that I am truly real.