Power To The People

You cannot give Power to the People.

People are either connected to their power or they are not.

In practice, people give their authority to their elected leaders.

When I give away my authority, I give away my power.

Governments do not govern for the benefit of the people.

They govern for the benefit of an unelected elite.

Democracy is a system where an elected autocracy manages a bureaucracy supervised by an aristocracy for the benefit of a plutocracy.

Government does not have the power to give power to the people.

In practice, governments need the people to give their power to the government.

An elected government rarely has a mandate to carry out the agenda of its pre-election promises.

A democracy is when the people give their authority to a government to govern and the government then proceeds to govern whether they have the people’s authority or not.

With authority goes power from the people to the government.

An empowered leadership does not govern or control the power of the people.

A Holocratic leadership shares power & authority with its people.