The Real World

Most people believe that the world is real and that they live in the real world.

They believe that their experience of the world is a real experience.

They believe that fantasy & fiction exists in books & films but is not a true perspective of the reality of their world.

They believe that anyone whose beliefs differ from theirs is not living in the real world.

They believe that their perspective of the real world is the real perspective of the world.

They believe that in the real world everyone has their own perspective of what is real and that they share the same perspective of what is real with everyone else.

They believe what they have been taught that there is only one reality and their version of reality is the real one.

Very few people believe that reality is the effect of their thinking and is therefore caused by their perspective and their beliefs about reality.

They prefer to believe that reality causes their beliefs about the world not that their individual beliefs about the world create their own unique experience of their own personal reality.

Everyone has their own unique perspective of the reality of the world that they are individually creating, yet most believe that reality is happening to them.

Even those who consciously make life happen by their own endeavour fail to acknowledge that they are causing their own real experience of the world.

Most people believe that they are at the effect of the reality of the world.

Only a small minority of people know that the reality of their world is a matter of their own choice & making.

Most people think that the minority of people who think they are creating their own reality are not living in the real world.