Lifting The Veil – Part 2

The Veil is actually a creation of other people’s belief that the physical world is absolute rather than relative to an Individual’s perspective.

Further attainments required are:

13. Knowing that you are the creator of your own reality.

14. Developing an intuitive sense of emotional awareness.

15. Becoming conscious of your own spiritual awareness.

16. Knowing that your essential purpose in physical reality is for the expansive growth of the Soul.

17. Being able to connect to your own source of pure emotional power.

18. Accepting the unlimited guidance & support available to create your own version of reality.

19. Consciously conceiving & realising the magnificent vision that you have conceived to be realised in this life-time.

20. Experiencing the beneficial joy of this journey in relative physical dual reality.

21. Knowing & approving that the veil was put there by you and for you, for a purpose.

22. Realising the purpose of the Veil, as this is the only way to lift it.