Man’s Laws

Man’s Laws govern how Man behaves.

Human behaviour is caused by human beliefs.

Humans believe that they need laws to ensure good behaviour.

Our beliefs create the reality that we are experiencing.

Physical actions that result from mental thoughts & emotional feelings are always aligned with God’s Law of Attraction.

We always experience the effect of how we feel about our actions relative to what we believe to be occurring.

The physical action of life is designed to be the effect of the emotional love of our inspired thoughts.

God’s Law has no polarity & no judgment, it just is.

Human behaviour can be judged as either positive or negative relative to beliefs & perspective.

To ensure that all Men share the same beliefs & perspectives, Man passes laws.

Man’s Laws define right action based on right thinking, without emotion.

Unfortunately, many laws of man constitute wrong thinking, false beliefs, fears & prejudice.

Man’s laws often prove Man to be an ass & a beast with a burden.

God’s Law is immutable & divine.

Man’s laws, even when set in stone, are not.