Reality & Illusion

Reality & Illusion are a matter of perspective.

From the perspective of my sub-conscious id, my beliefs are real.

My opinions, my convictions, my anxieties, my worries, my problems, my pain & my fears are all real.

From the perspective of my conscious ego, only what I physically experience is real, the rest is an illusion.

Non physical reality is a projection of my creative imagination.

From the perspective of my super-conscious entity, physical reality is an illusion of my own creative imagination.

I am experiencing an illusion called reality and I am experiencing the reality of that illusion.

Reality is the experience of the present moment of here & now.

It is relative to space & time.

I am here in space, now in time, experiencing my own unique reality.

Everything else, past & future, is just an illusion created by space & time.