A Contextual Field

A field is a two dimensional space.

Fields are not usually seen as cubic or spheroid.

A Contextual Field is a three dimensional space of infinite size.

The two dimensions of a field are its length and its breadth that determine its acreage.

The three dimensions of a contextual field are its space, its time and its reality.

It is the reality of a field that gives it context and determines it to be a contextual field.

The two dimensions of space-time, time & space, produce the 3rd dimension of reality or context.

Without space or time there is no reality, no context and no field.

In a two dimensional field, the space is within the boundaries of the field.

In a 3 dimensional field, space is one of the boundaries.

Space is a boundary that is infinitely expandable over the eternity of time and the continuum of reality.

A Contextual Field of space-time-reality has three dimensions of infinity, eternity & continuity.