Bending the Truth

Bending the Truth is not possible.

The Truth is the Truth; it cannot be bent.

When I believe that my perspective of reality is the truth then I can bend it, shape, it, change it and alter it any time I choose.

I am not changing the Truth, I am changing my perspective of Reality.

People who believe that there is only one reality and that is the truth are confused between reality and truth. They will in their confusion try to bend the truth to their way of thinking.

Bending the truth to my way of thinking is totally unnecessary as whatever I think will become my reality eventually anyway.

Thought creates reality.

Bent thoughts create a perverse and false reality.

I cannot bend the Truth but I can bend my perspective of my false reality into any shape or form that I choose, just by imagining it to be that way.

People may believe that there is only one truth and one reality but the Truth is that everyone is creating their own version of reality and bending their version of the Truth for their own personal benefit.

Most people believe that it is most beneficial to believe to be true what the concensus of people believe to be true, which creates the illusion of having only one reality.

The Absolute Truth cannot be bent.

Personal truth can be manipulated at will.

My Soul knows the Truth.

My ego bends the truth to suit my Self.