I Will

I Will is a statement of intent for my future.

I will is the will of the ego Self.

My Soul inhabits the Present.

My Soul has no past or future.

My Soul ‘just is’.

It has no ‘will’.

My Soul is the ‘I Am’ not the ‘I will’.

Whatever ‘I will’, will need will power to manifest into reality.

I will is a statement of who or what I choose to be in the future.

It is a statement of who I am not, or what I do not have in the present.

Focusing on what I do not have at present, brings more of what I do not have in my future.

‘I will’ cannot change the future.

When I change the present with a new perspective of who ‘I Am’, I put that into my future.

I can only change my future with my focus in the present moment.

I can only put into my future what I focus on in each present moment.

I am, creates and re-creates my future for my Self.