
Clarity is a quality of a pure vibration of energy.

A pure vibration of energy has clarity.

A pure thought is received with clarity.

Confused thinking lacks clarity.

When I am confused in my thinking, I am without clarity & I get lost & frustrated.

Confused thinking causes entropy.

Entropy is the chaos caused by confused thinking.

Chaos is a drama caused by a lack of clarity.

When thought is not allowed to flow freely, it causes entropy.

My resistance to the entropy of chaotic confusion causes inertia.

Inertia is the resistance to flow that is caused by my lack of clarity.

With clarity there is no confusion, no entropy, no resistance & no inertia.

It is going against the flow to try and overcome the confusion that causes the resistance of inertia.

Expansive growth requires that my life flows effortlessly with clarity, in a positive direction, with the presence of each moment present.

That’s clarity for you!