
Honour is my faith in my own path.

It is an honour to follow my Soul’s path for its Self.

Honour is the sum total of what I truly value.

It is an honour to fulfil my true values in life.

Other people honour in me, the qualities that have true value for them.

I honour the qualities in other people that have true value for me.

I can discharge my duty to others honourably or dishonourably.

It is an honour to serve other people when my service is of mutual value.

It is an honour for my Self to serve my Soul on my path through life.

When we are consciously ‘on our’ journey, we are exclusively connected to life.

It is an honour to be alive.

Being in alignment with my Soul is always an honour.

I honour the path that my Soul creates for my Self.

I graduate through life with honours when I attain the quality attributes of my Soul.

I am able to honour the vision, mission & purpose that is my destiny.