
Mercy is a quality attainment in life. It is the attainment of gratitude for the quality of one’s life. This enables life to be continuously lived in a beneficial way.

  • When I am with mercy for my life, I am in gratitude for the quality of my life that is flowing through me
  • When I am at the mercy of life, I hope that whatever is happening to me is beneficial

It is my destiny to attain the quality of mercy in my life. It is my fate to hope for mercy from others. Other people are not the source of mercy in my life. It is my destiny to accept the gratitude of others, for the quality of mercy that I am expressing in my life.

The quality of mercy is not strained when it is twice blessed. This means that my gratitude for what others do for me allows their gratitude for whatever I do for them. This is the Law of Attraction working as a Golden Rule.

Pleading for my life at the mercy of another, strains the quality of gratitude and is not blessed. I will curse others who do not show me their mercy.

To receive the gratitude of mercy, I am first required to give gratitude for my life to my Self. Feeling merciful towards my Self is expressing gratitude for the wonder of my own beneficial experience of my ideal life.

Life is merciful when I express my gratitude for its wonderful opportunities. When I take every opportunity that is mercifully presented, I require no mercy from others and I am able to share their mercy for their life with compassion. I am sincerely grateful for the opportunity to express a quality of mercy for which others are extremely grateful.

Mercy is a quality of life that I can give to others, receive from others and indeed share with others in a merciful way.