An Exclusive Rational Detachment

An Exclusive Rational Detachment is the choice of the male ego, in a dual reality world.

Exclusive means: I choose to do it my way.

Rational means: I have rated my options & I discern the best way for myself.

Detached means: I do not conform to the needs or passions of other people.

This can be viewed by the sub-conscious as focused, strong willed & selfish.

In a dual reality world, there is always a choice of opposing perspective.

Other people may see my exclusive rational detachment as disconnected, unemotional insensitivity.

I may be consciously unaware of the emotional needs that I am being sub-consciously driven to meet in an inclusively, irrational & disconnected way.

The more that I deny my female energy, the more extreme my need becomes to find my sensitive, emotional connection to my True Self.