Grounded & Earthed

Rational people are earthed not grounded. Their rational behaviour based on rational beliefs defines their rational existence on Earth.

A rational, earthly or earthed existence is formulated and defined with the 5 physical senses of sight, hearing, taste, touch and smell.

I am ‘Earthed’ when I use my physical senses to define my physical existence on Earth.

Irrational people are neither earthed nor grounded.

Unemotional people are seen as rational and are therefore earthed rather than grounded.

I become grounded with the awareness of grounding my Spiritual Potential in an earthly existence.

I can be unawakened and earthed in my physical existence but I can only be grounded once I have awakened to the potential of my spiritual ability.

Being grounded is having the ability to use my spiritual potential in this physical world. This requires the use of my 3 intuitive senses of seeing, feeling and knowing.

My 3 intuitive senses allow me to ground my spiritual Beingness in Earthly reality.

To ground my spirtual potential in Earthly reality, I am required to be emotionally-rational.

Emotionally-rational people are both grounded and earthed.