Grounding My Spiritual Potential

Grounding my Spiritual Potential is a prerequisite for creating my own conscious reality on Earth.

My Spiritual Potential is to be, do and have whatever I desire to create and manifest as real. It is realised through my 3 spiritual senses of seeing, feeling & knowing.

Once I can see, feel and know something to be true, I can manifest it instantly into my reality.

When I am unable to see, feel or know the existence of something, I am not resonating in harmony with what I wish to create and I will be unable to manifest it into my reality in this moment of time.

My Spiritual Potential is infinite, boundless and unlimited.

My Spiritual Ability to attract, manifest and ground something within my physical reality is limited by my lack of power and authority to choose it.

Unless I have the power and the authority, I am unable to ground my full potential within the reality of my physical existence.

Being emotionally-rational connects me to my power.

Being exclusively-connected aligns me with my authority.

Being sensitively-detached enables my power and my authority to ground my Spiritual Potential.