Sensitive Detachment

Being Apathetic is being insensitive to others & disconnected emotionally from others.

Being Sympathetic is being sensitive to others but attached emotionally to others.

Apathy & Sympathy are negative personal attributes because they are not of my choice.

I choose to relate in a sensitive way with others, without being needy & attached, which is Compassionate.

I choose to be detached from others emotionally, without being aloof & disconnected, which is Empathic.

With Compassion & Empathy, I attain Sensitive Detachment.

With apathy & sympathy, I have an insensitive attachment to others.

Apathetic insensitivity is not detachment, it is disconnection from others emotionally.

Sympathetic attachment is not sensitivity, it is the need to look after, care for, and to be needed by others.

Empathic Compassion requires both Sensitivity & Detachment.

It requires a sensitive connection and an awareness of who someone else is Being, without the need to be attached emotionally.