Empathic Compassion

Empathic Compassion requires Sensitive Detachment.

Sensitive Detachment requires both the compassion of sensitivity and the sensitivity of compassion, and it requires both the empathy of detachment and the detachment of empathy.

Being sensitive is compassionate.

Compassion is the energetic connection of emotional power that is a shared experience between two individuals.

I have compassion when I feel the source of power that is within another as a reflection of the source of power that is within my Self.

Compassion is the power of two Souls in unison & harmony.

Being detached is empathic.

Empathy is the energetic connection of authority that is a shared choice between two individuals.

I have empathy when I know that I am able to walk the same path as another and be in alignment with their true choice of authority.

Empathy is the choice of two Souls in congruent alignment.

Compassionate Empathy is the alignment of my True Power & Authority with the Soul of another.