Compassionate Empathy

Compassionate Empathy requires both rational and emotional intelligence.

Empathy requires a rational intelligence and an understanding of what is occurring in this physical world.

When I understand what someone else is experiencing from a physical, rational perspective, I am in empathy with their situation.

I empathise with another when I share or have shared a similar physical experience of life.

Being compassionate requires emotional intelligence and an awareness of another person’s emotional energy.

When I understand the state of someone else’s emotional energy, what they have and what they need emotionally, I have a compassionate awareness of their state of being.

I am compassionate when I share or have shared a similar emotional experience as another.

Whether the experiences that I have shared appeared to be positive or negative is irrelevant to my ability to be both compassionate & empathic.

It is my ability to see an experience as a positive opportunity for personal growth that requires my Compassionate Empathy.