
Accepting is a state of being in gratitude and appreciation for what ever is occurring in my life.

It is a knowing that whatever is unfolding in life is an opportunity for my development & growth.

Unless I am developing & growing spiritually, I may decline whatever is on offer.

I can be accepting only when I accept my opportunities for spiritual development.

Being accepting is seeing whatever turns up as an opportunity for spiritual growth.

I can accept what is occurring as an opportunity for growth or I can choose to receive it for a different reason.

I do not always receive everything in life as a gift.

I do not always accept life as a gift.

I always accept the gifts that I am given in life.

What I cannot see, I cannot accept with gratitude.

I may choose to reject it or receive it and tolerate it and choose not to be accepting of it.

To be truly accepting of life requires my Self to be both approving & allowing at all times.