My Rational Detachment

My Rational Detachment is with my Exclusive Path.

Knowing that I have an exclusive life path allows my Self access to my vision, mission & purpose for this life-time.

To know my life path requires an awareness that makes sense.

I have to see life intuitively in order to consciously experience it with awareness.

To consciously choose my path requires an awareness of my intuitive senses.

There are many paths available for my ego Self to follow.

Only my Soul’s path is a unique & individual experience.

This is the path of rational detachment with my emotional connection.

When I am exclusively sensitive to the paths of all others, I can choose to allow them to follow their own paths without resistance.

What I choose for others becomes available to my self.

Detached from the dramas that are present on other people’s paths, my life flows effortlessly along my own path.

As I do unto others, so it is allowed unto my Self.

This is the logic of the Golden Rule applied with rational detachment.
