Empathy & Compassion

Empathy & Compassion are the energy of sharing experience.

Empathy is an aspect of my male energy.

Compassion is an aspect of my female energy.

They are gender perspectives of the same sharing energy.

When I share with empathy, I know my enlightened path.

When I share with compassion, I feel my empowered way.

I intuitively feel my empowered way when I am sensitive to my emotional connection.

I attain compassion when I am being sensitive, emotional & connected.

I intuitively know my enlightened path when I am exclusively detached & rational.

I attain empathy when I am being exclusive, detached & rational.

With both empathy & compassion, I intuitively see my vision for my life.

With compassionate empathy, I am sharing my vision with my Soul.

With empathic compassion, I am sharing my vision with another Soul.