Non-Violent Communication

Non-Violent Communication is a sharing of positive emotional energy.

It is not the words that are exchanged but the emotional energy on which the words are conveyed that is either positive or negative.

When I communicate with another where we both enjoy positive emotional energy, the communication has equanimity and our sharing of emotional energy is in balance.

When my communication with another is conveyed on an emotional wavelength with a negative frequency, it is potentially violent.

When my negative communication is received in a negative way, the emotional energy short circuits, presses someone’s button, and results in a violent explosion of emotional energy.

The degree of negativity of the communication is directly relative to the violent reaction that it produces.

When the receiver of my negative emotion is emotionally positive, they are able to tolerate and endure my negativity in a non-violent and passive way.

Tolerating the negativity of another always leads eventually to intolerance and violent reaction, because of the lack of equability and equality in the energy exchange.

The only truly acceptable form of communication is the equanimity of being in neither violent nor non-violent communication with another.

With Sensitive-Detachment my communication is always charge neutral and violates no-one.