The Source Of My Power

The Source of my Power is my Self.

The question is, which Self.

Disconnected from my True Self, my Soul, my sub-conscious Self is responsible for providing my emotional power.

My sub-conscious Self is responsible for meeting my emotional energy needs.

My emotional energy is my power.

Disconnected from my Soul, I need emotional power.

I connect with my true source of power when I connect with my Soul.

When I connect with my Soul, I connect to my emotional power.

I connect with my Soul by being my Soul, by being my True Self.

Being my Soul connects me to the source of my power.

The Source of my Power is my True Self.

Being my True Self, being true to my Self, is being the Truth of my Soul.

I express the Truth of my Soul by being my Soul, my Self.

Every aspect of my Self is an expression of Love or an expression of my lack of love for my Self, which causes my need for love.

Love is a powerful emotional state of being.

I am truly powerful when I love my Self as my Soul loves its Self.

My Soul expresses pure love when I am being my Self.