Secret Power

The Secret is Power because power is a secret. Power is a secret because we confuse it with fuel. Fuel provides heat and heat provides motion. Heat is the energy of matter in motion. Any combustible material is fuel because combustion causes heat, heat causes motion and motion enables ability.

Human ability requires motion and human motion requires fuel, which is called food. Food contains calories, which are a measure of the latent heat energy released by the food during digestion and used during activity. Food is a fuel not a power. I am not empowered by the food that I eat. I may be motivated to eat but eating does not motivate me.

In a physically mental world, I believe that food gives me the power to be strong, when in fact, it is a fuel that fuels my activity. The stronger my actions, the more fuel I need to fuel my actions. From a spiritual perspective, power is emotional and it is an emotional power called love.

Power is a secret because love is a secret. Love is a secret because we confuse love with what we need emotionally. When love is a power that I need, it has no power and that is why I need it. Spiritual love is a positive attribute whereas, emotional need is a negative issue. Emotional need is the absence of emotional power, usually because it is a secret. Most people are unaware of their emotional needs as well as being unaware of the potential of their emotional power.

When I do not know the source of my emotional power because it is a secret, I cannot access it. In the absence of knowing the secret to my source of emotional power, I seek my emotional power from outside of myself. I compete with other people for the emotional energy that I need, when I feel disempowered.

When I feel disempowered, my perspective is negative and I confuse love with hate. I hate whatever I believe is the cause of my disempowerment or my loss of power. In my disempowered state, I lust after whatever I desire in the belief that it will raise my emotional energy and make me more powerful.

I love whatever appears to raise my emotional power and I form an attachment to it. When my lust turns to gluttony or greed, I obsess about my love for someone or something and my attachment becomes an addiction that I cannot live without. Unfortunately, I cannot live with an addiction either, as it will slowly kill me. Whether I die from a drug overdose or a broken heart, the cause is the same; it is my lack of authentic emotional power.

The secret is that emotional power is essential to life, it is the essence of life and the quality of my life is relative to the quality or essence of my personal emotional power. Power is a secret because we confuse it with the power to get what we need, which is a power that we do not have, because it is a secret. Lust, hate and need are all negative attributes of Love and the effect of my external motivation, & will power, to attain what I passionately desire. Motivation is an external source of power that I need when I am not empowered and when I am inspired & empowered, will power is not required.

Emotional power empowers from within but the source is a secret. Western Religion teaches that the source of Love is God but it also teaches that god is outside of ourself and his love is conditional. Those who do not agree and accept the conditions become atheist. Either way, conforming or not conforming to religious dogma & doctrine is not empowering because following someone else’s path is never authorised.

The secret to power is that it is required to be authorised, otherwise it is not empowering. I may be motivated to follow another’s authority but it will never empower me. External objects, which includes other people, do not have the authority to empower me; even when I give them the authority to do so.

Stealing other people’s energy is not allowed. Being less than our authentic Self is not authorised and what is not authorised is not empowered. The secret to becoming empowered is to detach from all external sources of authority. I am empowered when I am connected to my own authentic Self and expressing the emotional attributes that endorse the essence of who I really am. When I am expressing a true expression of who I am, I am empowered by that state of being, being attributable to myself.

The secret is that my emotional power is relative to my emotional state of being. It is my emotional state of being that either empowers or disempowers me, relative to the polarity that is attributable to my present thinking; which is based on the perspective of my beliefs about whatever is occurring. In the same way that external sources are not empowering, neither are they disempowering. I am only ever disempowered by my own unauthorised and inauthentic beliefs & fears.

My power is relative to my Beingness, who I am being, which either connects me with or disconnects me from my power; relative to the authority of that particular attribute. Quality attributes are positively empowering whilst negative emotions are disempowering & draining me of my power. It is my disconnection from my emotional source of power that drains my emotional energy. Living life in disconnection from my divine authority is a very draining experience.

My authority, does not come from other people, which is why they have never told me the secret. The secret that other people will tell you is not to listen to other people. Other people may or may not know their unique, individual and exclusive purpose for this lifetime but, either way, they have no way of knowing mine. I can only intuitively know my own path through life, not anyone else’s.

The secret to being empowered is to be authorised and the secret to being authorised is that it is intuitive. I am authorised to use the full potential of my power when following my own individual, exclusive & unique path though life, which I can only discover with my own intuition.

Following an inclusive path in sympathy with other people, may give me what I need emotionally but it will never connect me to my true source of emotional power. Being my authentic authorised Self connects me with my authentic authorised Self, who I call my Soul and the Source of my emotional power.

In mental & emotional alignment with my Soul, I connect with the potential of the authentic omnipotent Self that is my Soul.

Power is a secret and will remain a secret as long as the Soul keeps its Self a secret from itself.