
Awe is the experience of something more powerful than my self.

My ego can never be more powerful than my self, it is my self.

My Soul is more powerful than my Self, when I forget how powerful I am as my Soul.

I am not in awe of my Soul, I am in Awe as my Soul.

When my self is in awe of my Soul it is humbled by my Soul, feels inferior to my Soul, and is in fear of my Soul.

When I am in fear of my soul, the experience will be awful.

When I feel the compassion of my Soul’s Power, I am in Awe as my Soul and full of Awe.

Whether I choose my experience in Life to be full of Awe or awful is always my own personal choice.

My Soul is in Awe as my Self.

My Soul knows that I can be as powerful as my Soul once I become in Awe as my Self.