Hope, Expectation, Knowing

Hope is the feeling that something positive will turn up.

Expectation is the positive feeling of being sure that what I want is on its way.

Knowing is the intuitive certainty of what will occur.

When I positively know that something will be, it will be.

When I positively expect something to turn up, I may be disappointed.

When I positively hope something is on its way, the matter is not in my hands and the chances are that it may not turn up.

Knowing has the potential for certainty to be realised.

Expectation has the will power but not necessarily the authority to manifest.

Hope puts the power of manifestation in the hands of the gods.

Knowing has no gender duality and therefore no uncertainty.

I can expect to be disappointed and I can hope that I am not.

When I know that I will be disappointed, I certainly will be.