
Utopia translates as No Place. It is defined as an ideal state.

Utopia is not a place. It is an ideal state of Being. It is a state of Being, shared by a person or a society.

A Utopian Society exists for the sole purpose of expansively sharing positive emotional experiences. It thrives on the powerful attributes of a society that flows with Love.

A Distopian Society, in contrast, exists to allow the divisive sharing of negative mental dramas caused by a restrictive authority, due to limiting beliefs and relative intensities of fear. It suffers with a need for power that causes a competition for control and influence over other people. It thrives on lust, greed, avarice & gluttony.

In a Utopian Society:

Wealth is a measure of emotional intelligence and quality attainable personal attributes. The pure quality of personal emotional wealth means that the attainment of quality attributes is very attractive, as it allows abundance to flow as enough of everything for everyone. Serving other people is a privilege not a duty, as it is inspired by freedom of choice and the desire for mutually beneficial sharing. With the privilege of serving others, the currency of exchange is gratitude & appreciation, and no monetary exchange is either required or necessary.

Wisdom is innate & intuitive, so it does not need to be taught. Education is a creatively relaxed system of personal learning that has no strict discipline imposed by any teaching establishment. Knowledge is learned through individual experience and initiative, with the unique guidance of personal intuition. Coaches guide & support the process of individual learning, as no teaching of knowledge is ever required.

Health is a natural process of the human body. A healthy physical body aligns with a healthy mental perspective, with positively beneficial mental beliefs. A healthy body naturally & instinctively knows how to remain well; when it is mentally centred, emotionally balanced and physically grounded. Wellness Centres promote health to healthy people. In the presence of wellbeing, there is no distopian drama of illness or disease. Mental Re-alignment Centres promote a grounded experience of emotional balance, which allows health to be a natural process of the physical body.

Wellbeing Centres serve a Society who choose to individually develop & expand their own Physical Health, Emotional Wealth & Mental Wisdom, in mutually beneficial ways.

The stated purpose of a Utopian Society, is the expression & experience of Happiness. Everyone is content because everyone has everything that they personally need, and want only what is necessary to maintain their happiness. In a happy society everyone wants for nothing and knows the instant way to have everything that you want, is to want for nothing. In an abundant society, there is no wanting. In an emotionally wealthy society there is no emotional need. There is nothing anyone needs, either physically or emotionally, as everyone is personally empowered with the joy of their own fulfilled contentment.

In a Utopian Society, the Justice System is the Universal Law of Attraction. An emotionally positive society is empowered to attract beneficial experiences, relative to the truth & alignment of their own mental perspective. When personal perspective is in alignment with a unique vision, mission & purpose; the True Self is experiencing the True Value of their own personal Truth. Laws, rules, ethics, morals & principles are all unnecessary as personal standards are aligned with personal boundaries. When personal standards & boundaries both align with the Golden Rule, everyone relates to other people in the way that they choose other people to relate to them. In an ideal society, this is always in a beneficial way as boundaries are very extensive, expansive and all encompassing. This one mutually shared personal standard of the Golden Rule allows one common boundary to be the Golden Rule. As I be unto others as I choose for others to be unto me, by the Law of Attraction, others behave unto me as I choose for others to behave unto me. This is always acceptable to me and is my one all encompassing boundary.

The Law of Attraction is unambiguously attractive when the Golden Rule is unilaterally & freely upheld as the universal choice of everyone in society.

In a Utopian Society, there are no inclusively divisive religions. Spirituality is exclusively personal and unique to each & every Individual. Everyone intuitively knows their own unique & exclusive spiritual vision & purpose for their life and everyone expresses it with empathy & compassion, in relationship to all other citizens in their society.

An Empowered Society has no need of inclusive attachments to an assertive leadership, as everyone is following their own lead on an exclusively connected path. Everyone is individually connected to their own source of inner guidance and sensitively detached from the possibility of any external physical, mental or emotional dramas.