The Study Of Beingness

The Study of Beingness is called Ontology.

The Study of the Soul is called Psychology.

Modern Philosophers, confusing the Soul with the Mind, have a mental perspective of ontology rather than a Soul’s perception of its Beingness.

Ontology is the study of how the soul’s wisdom experiences the love of being in physical form.

Beingness is a heart felt expression of an aspect of Love, not a statement of one’s perspective.

Beingness is a perception of emotional feeling, not the personal opinion of a thinking mind.

Ontology requires emotional intelligence, not the logical perspective of a rational intellect.

Ontology is the study of the emotions of the Heart, not the rationale of intellectual thinking. It is the study of the wavelengths of emotional feelings, not the frequency of mental beliefs.

The frequency of my mental beliefs determines the attitude of my perspective, not the inclinations of my perceived emotional feelings.

A perspective is something that I have, whereas my emotional essence is who I am Being. I state my mental views as a perspective and I express my emotional feelings as the essence of my Beingness.

Being social, political, economical, cultural or philosophical are all mental perspectives, not emotional states of being. My social, political, economic, cultural and philosophical views determine my status in life, relative to the role that I play in life. They are not the essence of who I really am. They may be an expression of my perceived personality & character but they are not the essence of my true Identity.

A mental perspective is what I have, an emotional feeling is a perception of who I am really being. I describe my emotional feelings with an adjective, I describe the mental perspective that I have with a noun and I describe what I do with a verb.

I may believe that I do politics and I do economics but I really have a political and an economic view or perspective of life. I may believe that I am being social, being cultured or being philosophical but these are all mental perspectives that I have.

Nouns describe what I have, verbs describe what I do and adjectives ontologically describe who I am being.

When I use an adjective to describe what I have, I get lost and confused as to the true essence of my Beingness. When I use rational logic to study Ontology, there is no Beingness and no sense of emotional intelligence; just a philosophy that is devoid of both love & wisdom.