Authority & Choice

My Authority is my ability to make a Choice.

Choice is an authorised ability.

My ability to choose is authorised.

When my choice has my highest authority, it is empowered.

Without my highest authority, it will require my will power to achieve it.

My highest authority is my Highest Self.

My Soul authorises my Self in alignment with my vision and my purpose.

With my Soul’s authority, my choice is inspired.

The choice of my Soul empowers and inspires my Self.

Power & Authority are inseperable from my Soul’s perspective.

What is authorised by my Soul is empowered by my Soul.

What is chosen by my ego self is powered by my ego’s will.

My ego is authorised to choose although it will not always make authorised choices.

The choice of my Self is only authorised when in alignment with my Soul’s choice for my Self.

I can only attract what my ego wants with my Soul’s agreement.

My Soul’s Agreement is my Vision & Purpose for my Life.