The Call of Duty

Duty is not my ‘calling’.

My calling is aligned with my True Values that empower and inspire me.

My duty is a charge and a tax on my emotional energy that disempowers me.

I am called by my Soul to follow my path, yet it is not a duty.

I am called by my sub-conscious ego self to get my emotional needs met.

Duty is a need and a toleration.

I tolerate my duties because they meet my emotional needs.

I was born with a purpose and a mission.

My mission is not a duty, it is the fulfilment of a vision.

My duties were assigned to me after my birth.

My duties have been given to me by people who need me to meet their physical and emotional needs.

This is not part of my covenant.

Meeting my ‘Covenant’ is not the Call of Duty.

God is not a Tax Collector.