
In the Beginning there was Oneness.

When Oneness divided into ‘twoness’, it created dual reality or Duality, which is non-divinity as opposed to Divinity.

Non-divinity is power without authority and authority without power.

Oneness is ‘oneness’. Power plus authority is ‘twoness’. Oneness plus twoness equals ‘threeness’.

Threeness is triune reality or ‘Triality’, which is power, authority and ability.

The creation of ‘threeness’ allowed the ‘Ability of Life’ to explore the ‘Power of Love’ and the ‘Authority of Light’.

Threeness then became ‘sixness’ as the Power of Love divided by gender; the Authority of Light divided by polarity; and the Ability of Life divided by intensity.

Sixness connected to Oneness creates ‘seveness’.

Seveness is the antidote to all duality and the way back to Oneness.

Seveness is the ‘Seal’ that brings everything back into balance, unity and harmony.

Seveness is duality times triality plus Oneness.

The key to opening the door to Triality and the Holy Trinity is understanding the Seveness that forms the Seal.

Twoness reigns in the relative world of duality.

Threeness is supreme in the Realm of Absolute Oneness.