Ascending the Mountain

We ascend the mountain of Life because our shadow is cast longest from the summit.

The great paradox is that the journey to the sea involves climbing the mountain first.

The unawakened soul who climbs the mountain will find nothing at the top.

The awakened soul who ascends the mountain finds a clear picture of their shadow cast all the way down to the sea.

We must first climb the mountain to see the enormity of the task that our journey down stream holds for us.

All rivers have their source at the top of the mountain.

This is where we are invited to enter the ‘River of Life’ and flow effortlessly down to our ‘Source’ in the ocean below.

We do not descend the river but flow with the spirit of the river on our journey back to our Source.

The journey up the mountain is the ‘road to perdition’.

The journey down the river is the ‘road to purgatory’.

The ocean is where ‘paradise’ exists.