Worshipping a False Idol

Worship is my connection to my emotional energy.

I worship the source of my emotional energy.

Worship connects me to my emotional power.

I idolise the source of my emotional power.

My Soul is my Idol and the Source of my Power & Authority.

Any source of emotional energy that is not my Soul is a false idol.

When disconnected from my Soul’s emotional power, I need emotional energy and I will idolise its source.

Any source of emotional energy that is not truly authorised, comes from a false idol.

The most common false idol of our society is money.

We worship money because of the emotional energy we receive with it.

It buys the things that we think that we need, which meet our need for emotional energy.

The worship of money is never a true connection to life – it is idol worship and idle worship.

Money can be a great blessing and also a great curse, either a gift of providence or a false idol to worship.

Money that is worshipped as a false idol has no providence.