Helping Others to Help my Self

Helping others is the best way to help my Self.

Few people really know how to help others to help their Self.

With the belief that helping my Self is selfish, helping others becomes an unselfish act.

An unselfish act is always selfish because selfish & unselfish are a duality of the same experience.

When I am lost in a duality, helping others will just get me confused & frustrated.

I believe that helping others is good, but somehow I know it is unrewarding.

A Master knows that unselfishly helping others to help ourself is never rewarding.

The reward appears when I invert the belief.

Helping my Self is the best way to help others.

When I help myself to become my True Self, I help all others become their True Self.

True Selfishness is the attainment of Being my True Self.

Being my True Self is the only true way of helping others on their path to become who they really are.

When I help my Self on my journey through life, I am being my Soul.

My Soul is committed to helping my Self on my Journey.

What disallows my Soul’s assistance is when my selfish Self decides to help itself, or unselfishly decides to help another.