
Psychology is the study of human behaviour.

Human behaviour is how the Self acts and behaves.

Our behaviour is driven by our sub-conscious desire to meet our emotional needs, until we become consciously-aware of how to connect exclusively to our own emotional Power.

Our emotional needs are created by our sub-conscious programmed beliefs.

Human behaviour is the effect of emotional needs created by limiting beliefs that result in physical and emotional dramas.

Human behaviour is classified as our personality and our character.

Our personality is the result of our own unique collection of emotional needs.

Our character is the role that we are playing in the drama that is created by our limiting beliefs.

True Psyche-ology is the journey of exploring, experiencing and discovering the true identity of our Soul.

Our True Psyche is the True Essence of our Soul and who we really are.

The Personal Spiritual Development and Growth of our Psyche or Soul, is why we are really here.