
Super-natural is the nature of our Soul.

Supernatural is the normal state of our Super-Conscious Self.

What is natural is what occurs effortlesly as an everyday occurrence.

Supernatural thoughts, words and deeds are everyday occurrences and the super-nature of our Soul.

With Infinite Power, Authority & Ability, the Supernatural is quite natural.

With Omnipotence, Omnipresence & Omniscience, the supernatural is our nature.

Nature has created many Supernatural worlds, plants and creatures that have become our everyday natural experience.

We no longer see Nature as Supernatural because we accept it as the Nature of our Planet Earth.

All Worlds are Supernatural, yet we will not need to travel to another planet for this to become our experience. 

We just need to learn to create the Supernatural Nature of our Ideal World, on this planet, in our own life-time, with our own Supernatural Power, Authority & Ability that our Soul already possesses.