"I Am" & 'I Will'

The “I Am Presence” is the Power of the Universe.

The ‘I will present’ is the force of the individual Self.

We present our self as the personality and character of our ego.

The “I Am” Presence is the “Image of God” in which we are made.

“I Am” is a Human Being.

‘I will’ is a human doing.

“I Am” Attractive, which is my Divine Nature and Identity.

‘I will’ promote the personality and character of my self.

The ego self needs ‘I will’ to achieve the choices and desires of its Self.

Our Soul requires “I Am'”to be experienced by its Self to allow the choices of the Soul to flow to its Self.

“I Am” is the Power of the Soul.

‘I will’ is our will power, which is the strength of the ego’s determination.