Opus Dei

Opus Dei translates as “God’s Work”.

God’s Work is an oxymoron.

God’s work on Earth ended on the 6th Day of Creation.

On the 7th day, God rested; and Man assumed responsibility for creation.

Life on Earth is a reality created by all living beings that have chosen the experience.

Man’s continuous earthly reality is all Man’s work, not God’s.

Earth is a contextual field of relative dual reality three dimensional existence, solely (souly) created for the experience, exploration & discovery of choice.

It is Man’s work to choose and by Man’s Choice is the reality of Earth created.

God does not work, rest or play on Earth; Man does, without divine intervention.

God just Is in the Kingdom of Heaven, not on Earth.

‘Is’ is a state of ‘Being’.

There is no work to do for God, just the state of Being the Divine Beingness of all Men on Earth, as it is in Heaven.
