I Will

I Will is a statement of intent.

It is a statement of an intention of my ego Self.

It is what my ego Self intends to do.

I Will is a plan of action.

My ego needs to plan the action that is required to achieve my intention.

I will do whatever I need to do to satisfy my will.

My will is my testament to how I want my life to be.

My life will manifest according to my will.

The power of my will is will power.

My will power motivates me to action.

My level of will power determines my determination.

With enough will power, I can overcome all resistance, obstacles and problems that are stopping my will from becoming manifest.

My last will and testament is how I want my life to be after my ego has died.

Achieving the intentions of my will, will require commitment, dedication, determination, conviction, and perseverance.

When following the desires of my will, I am being willful.