Talking to my Self

Talking to my Self is an acknowledgement that there is more than one aspect of my Self.

There is the me that thinks, the me that talks, and the me that listens.

When the me that listens disagrees with the me that talks, I am in conflict with my Self.

When the me that thinks is out of alignment with the me that talks, I will not hear my Self.

When the me that hears is too busy talking, I disallow new thoughts.

Talking to my Self is my sub-conscious mind telling my conscious self that I am confused.

Listening to my Self allows my distinction between my sub-conscious ego that is lost and my super-conscious entity that I find to be my foundation.

Thinking to my Self is my conscious mind referring to my stored sub-conscious programmes as memories.

Hearing the thoughts of my super-conscious Soul is how I gain the presence of a clear direction for my life.